
Monday Apr 18, 2022
Ep.80: UFO Files Released, Can Civilians Beat the Govt, and a Rogue ATF
Monday Apr 18, 2022
Monday Apr 18, 2022
Welcome to episode 80 of the LSLF podcast, the show were three Freedom loving Americans talk about all things Freedom and whatever else trips our triggers. On this episode we talk about the recent dump of UFO and paranormal files and there's some pretty wild stuff in there. Then we explore ways to actually stop the ATF from enforcing the unconstitutional rules that they recently announced. Spoiler: not complying is at the top of the list. Which leads right into the next topic quite well: can an armed citizenry actually take on a government this day and age?
Biden was recently speaking about upcoming food shortages, so we talk about ways to prepare and stockpile some food if it occurs. And lastly, we dive into how much people are actually influenced by TV and movies, and we're pretty sure it's far too much.
1:20 UFO files declassified
17:33 How can we defy the ATF
39:20 Using Military against civilians
51:00 Food Shortages and stockpiling food
1:03:00 How much are people influenced by TV and movies?

Monday Apr 11, 2022
Monday Apr 11, 2022
Welcome to Episode 54 of Gears n Beers, the live segment of the LSLF Podcast, where we talk about gear we love, gear we hate, industry news and whatever else trips our Freedom triggers! Tonight we talk abut the ATF declaring forced reset triggers as machineguns in themselves as well as a new one on the market, the Alamo15. We touch on the Phoenix Trinity Morph pistol, which you can swap out the barrels for different calibers, but we don't quite understand the point. Then Box has a rant about how "extendo mags" are not great for practice and we have a conversation about whether they are useful for anything. Sam has a short review on the SOG Power Access Assist Multi Tool and believes he's finally found the right one. Shockingly enough, Box reveals he absolutely hates multi tools. And lastly we talk about an underbarrel flamethrower you can attach to your AR15!
Make sure to tune in live for the next episode on 4-13-22 at 8:30 CST (and every other Wednesday night) on the the LSLF Website , Facebook page, and Youtube, join in on the conversation, and have cold brew or two with us!
12:00 ATF Declares FRT Machineguns
20:42 Alamo15 Trigger
25:40 Phoenix Trinity Morph Swappable Caliber Pistol
34:28 Extendo Mags are NOT "Great For Practice"
47:30 SOG Power Access Assist Multi Tool
57:18 Exothermic Pulsefire Underbarrel Flamethrower

Monday Apr 04, 2022
Ep.79: Full Body Cavity Searches, Is Destiny Real, and Caring Tyrants?
Monday Apr 04, 2022
Monday Apr 04, 2022
Welcome to episode 79 of the Life's Short Live Free Podcast, the show were we talk about whatever trips our Freedom boners! The conversation is ALL OVER the place in this longer-than-usual episode and that means one of the most interesting podcasts we’ve had in a long time! Don’t miss this one where we talk about things like Violent Vs. Peaceful Tyranny, Full Body Cavity Searches, Who the “Good Guys” are in the Russia-Ukraine Conflict, Johnson’s Embracing of the Cowboy Lifestyle, the Silliness of Removing Race From Branding, and Whether or not Destiny Is Real.
10:00 CS Lewis Quote
21:00 Russia ukraine update and russia threatens to nuke
46:00 TSA and full body cavity searches
1:01:45 Removing all minorities from brands
1:23:45 Destiny

Monday Mar 28, 2022
Monday Mar 28, 2022
Welcome to Episode 53 of Gears n Beers, the live segment of the LSLF Podcast, where we talk about gear we love, gear we hate, industry news and whatever else trips our Freedom boners. Tonight, we talk about the brand new offering from Springfield, the Hellcat Pro. With everyone loving to hate the XD line so much, is Springfield headed in the right direction? Then we have a short update on form 1 suppressors, with quite a few approvals in the last few days.
A new offering from an Italian company, the Revo Arms IS9 is one of those super low bore axis guns that generally are a ton of money, but the price point on this one is awesome. We have high hopes for it. Box touches on shipmygun dot com, which is exactly what it sounds like, a cheaper way to ship firearms. And lastly, we hit on American companies shipping millions of rounds to Ukraine. Some people seem to have their panties in a twist over it, is it warranted?
Make sure to tune in live for the next episode on 3-30-22 at 8:30 CST (and every other Wednesday night) on the the LSLF Website , Facebook page, and Youtube, join in on the conversation, and have cold brew or two with us!
7:45 Springfield Hellcat Pro
16:53 Form 1 Suppressors Being Approved Again
30:20 Revo Arms IS9
50:00 Ship My Gun .Com
59:18 US Companies Shipping Ammo to Ukraine

Monday Mar 21, 2022
Ep. 78:: Cameliscious, Driverless Cars, and Gambling is Strange
Monday Mar 21, 2022
Monday Mar 21, 2022
Welcome to episode 78 of the LSLF podcast! Sam was at a stag party the previous night, drank a lot of whisky, played some blackjack, and has a few observations about gambling. Somehow, the conversation turns to electric cars and how the US has now taken away the requirement of driver controls on vehicles, opening the door to fully automated cars. And it wouldn't be a LSLF podcast without something like our last topic, where we talk about a killer camel, which naturally leads to a conversation about what camel meat would taste like, and we check out the "exotic meat market dot com" to look into getting some for ourselves.

Monday Mar 14, 2022
Gears n Beers Ep.52: Creative Arms and ATF Unoffically Bans Form 1’s?
Monday Mar 14, 2022
Monday Mar 14, 2022
Welcome to Episode 52 of Gears n Beers, the live segment of the podcast where we talk about gear we have, gear we want, industry news, and whatever else trips our Freedom triggers! Tonight, we talk to Preston from Creative Arms, a rifle and suppressor manufacturer based right here in our home state of Iowa and go over their awesome product line.
Then we dive into the ATF's mass denial of form 1 suppressors and what that may mean for the industry moving foward.

Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
Episode 77 Early Upload: Ukrainian Savagery!
Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
Unedited early upload of Episode 77! We talk about all the savagery, heroism, and general badassness of the Ukrainian people as they defend their homeland from the Russkies. This is a rapidly changing situtation, so we decided to post this before all the information is completely outdated.

Monday Feb 28, 2022
Monday Feb 28, 2022
Welcome to Episode 51 of Gears n Beers, the live segment of the podcast where we talk about gear we have, gear we want, industry news, and whatever else trips our Freedom triggers! Tonight, we talk about the Youtuber who designed a forced reset 3D printed trigger and got a cease and desist from Rare Breed. Touch on Brownells 2A Day. Then Johnson dives into Gunstruction, a 3d gun builder on Arfcom and tells us all about it.
Sam backpedals from his 'all AR style 12 gauges are hot garbage' sentiment from a few episodes back and talks about the Genesis Arms Gen-12. Then tells us about Remington settling with the families from the Newtown shooting, and doesn't hold back on his true feelings. And lastly, we lament on why it's so easy to buy new guns, but so difficult to talk yourself into spending money on training.
Make sure to tune in live for the next episode on 3-2-22 at 8:30 CST (and every other Wednesday night) on the the LSLF Website , Facebook page, and Youtube, join in on the conversation, and have cold brew or two with us!
3:22 Rare Breed Sues Hoffman Tactical
13:40 2A Day
16:00 Gunstruction
27:30 Genesis Arms Gen-12
38:28 Remington Settles with Newtown families
53:56 Spending Money on Training vs Guns

The Life's Short Live Free Podcast
Just a couple of Freedom loving guys talking about everything related to Freedom. Guns, gears, 2nd amendment issues, self improvement and whatever else tickles our Freedom bone. The LSLF Podcast is published every other Monday with our live segment, Gears n Beers, lived streamed every other Wednesday on our website, app, Youtube, Facebook, and Twitch. Get involved, join the discord (linked below) and join in on the Freedom party!