
Monday Feb 21, 2022
Ep.76: Freedom Disciples, 3D Printing, and Juggernaut Tactical
Monday Feb 21, 2022
Monday Feb 21, 2022
Welcome to Episode 76 of the LSLF Podcast! This week we sample Woodford Reserve Whiskey, which Sam really enjoys, as we talk about the 3D printer he just got and our plans to print out some firearms. We give a little update on the Canadian Trucker convoy, which we affectionately label 'Freedom Disciples' and it looks like they're making some progress in their demands. Then we dive into good ol' Freedom hating Beto changing his tune on guns during his run for governor, the Communist state of Washington is trying to ban magazines over ten rounds, and we give an update on Juggernaut Tactical, the company looking to make the California 'assault weapons' ban obsolete.
Box brings up the topic of an athlete saying they'd like to sit down and talk to Hitler, which leads us to pick some people throughout history we'd like to meet. Box's pick is Lou Bega. And we close out the show with Weird News, which is classic LSLF fashion, has to do with a sex doll.
6:20 3D Printing
17:00 Whiskey of the Week
23:33 Freedom Disciples
26:40 Beto Changes his Tune
33:31 Washington Mag Ban
43:41 Juggernaut Tactical
52:46 People we'd like to meet throughout history
1:21:04 Weird News

Monday Feb 14, 2022
Monday Feb 14, 2022
Welcome to episode 50 of Gears n Beers, a segment of the LSLF podcast where we talk about gear we want, gear we hate, and whatever else trips our Freedom triggers! This time after some banter about what we're all drinking, we talk about a new primer manufacturer coming to Texas and whether they're going to help the supply chain issues we've had for the last 2 years. Then Johnson tells us about Aero Precision diving into the bolt gun market with a Remington 700 based gun, as well as some suppressor offerings!
We then talk about something that should never have been invented(but unfortunately was, thanks to California) the Fox Unit non semi auto AR, an AR that locks back after every shot. And lastly, we have a theory that the ATF is actually full of crap about confiscating Rare Breed's FRT15 triggers, and its simply a ploy to get people to stop buying them. Will we be proven wrong?
Make sure to tune in live for the next episode on 2-16-22 at 8:30 CST (and every other Wednesday night) on the the LSLF Website , Facebook page, and Youtube, join in on the conversation, and have cold brew or two with us!
10:50 A new primer manufacturer in Texas
24:00 Aero Precision A700 and a suppressors
40:08 Fox Unit Non Semi Auto AR
54:48 Is the ATF bluffing?

Monday Feb 07, 2022
Ep.75: Freedom Convoy, Robots are Reproducing, and Taxing Gun Owners
Monday Feb 07, 2022
Monday Feb 07, 2022
Welcome to episode 75 of the LSLF podcast! We sip on this weeks whiskey of the week, called 2 Gingers, as we dive into the Canadian Freedom Convoy currently happening up north. Then we talk about yet another ridiculous infringement on gun owners in San Jose, CA, where they're now sending yearly bills to every gun owner just to keep their guns. Which is about as ridiculous as our favorite topic, the lovely ATF, arresting a Youtuber for selling drawings of a part of a machine gun. Yes, it's just as outrageous as it sounds, and Johnson makes his feelings on the case, and ATF in general, well known.
Then we lighten it up a bit, as we talk about scientists who've made some 'robots' that are self reproducing, and question not if, but when, AI will destroy humans., and the topic gets quite interesting! Lastly, we talk about why everyone hates Nickelback(let's face it, they got the shaft) and of course our Weird News segment, which is pretty shitty. Pun intended.
5:50 2 Gingers Whiskey of the Week
11:07 Canadian Freedom Convoy
20:17 San Jose taxes gun owners
36:55 CRS Firearms arrested
47:37 Reproducing Robots
1:00:56 Nickelback
1:09:22 Weird News

Monday Jan 31, 2022
Monday Jan 31, 2022
Welcome to episode 49 of Gears n Beers, where we talk about gear we love, gear we hate, gun industry news, and whatever else trips our Freedom triggers! Shot Show is going on while we record this episode, and we talk a few of our favorite products that came out. Franklin Armory announced a binary trigger for the Glock platform and of course Sam is intrigued with "innovation" while the other 2 are a bit more skeptical.
Then we dive into Defense Distributed's Ghost Gunner 3, where you can machine an AR Lower from a 0% chunk of aluminum with a desktop CNC. We talk about where we see it going and some of the consequences coming with it. Then we dive into Holosun's new "batteryless" pistol optic, the SCS, which leads into a discussion on if we're Holosun fanboys, and are we commies for loving a Chinese company? We talk about Rare Breed announcing the long awaited 3 position forced reset trigger, and it seems like its could finally be a truly viable option to use for more than range trips. And lastly, cover some other notable products that came out of Shot Show.
Make sure to tune in live for the next episode on 2-5-22 at 8:30 CST (and every other Wednesday night) on the the LSLF Website , Facebook page, and Youtube, join in on the conversation, and have cold brew or two with us!
6.28 Franklin Armory Binary Glock Trigger
17.05 Ghost Gunner 3 0% AR Lower
34.02 Holosun SCS
53.25 Rare Breed 3 position FRT-15
1.11.50 Shot Show Notable mentions

Monday Jan 24, 2022
Monday Jan 24, 2022
Welcome to episode 74 of the LSLF Podcast, the podcast where we talk all things Freedom! Our Whiskey of the Week this week is Larceny, a 92 proof straight bourbon whiskey. We sip on that as we chat about the Supreme Court shooting down Biden's mandate of any businesses over 100 people requiring vaccinations and we question how we've gotten to this point as a country that it was even an option.
The Signal app is an encrypted messaging and phone call app, and they're debating adding anonymous cyrpto payments, but of course the govt wants to outlaw that. But on a bright note, six more states are pushing for permitless carry of firearms, which would put over half the country under constitutional carry. And we end the show talking about why it seems they're are so many more concealed carry/offensive type classes as compared to home defense classes.
7.55 Whiskey of the week, Larceny
17:17 Supreme court shoots down vaccine mandate
36.08 Six more states for Constitutional Carry this year?
54.05 Signal and encryption
1.04.55 Home Defense vs Carry Classes

Monday Jan 17, 2022
Monday Jan 17, 2022
Welcome to episode 48 of Gears n Beers where we talk about gear we love, gear we hate, gun industry news, and whatever else trips our Freedom triggers. Tonight we talk about the brand new 30 Super Carry that was just announced the day of this recording. We dive into whether we think it could possibly be a contender, cover some of the specs and what we think of it. Another brand new product announcement, Smith and Wesson's CSX micro compact pistol is analyzed a bit and we wonder if a hammer fired micro compact still has a place in the market. Then a favorite subject of the show, the ATF, is once again doing ATF things and decides Diversified Machines solvent traps are actually suppressors, and their customers are in violation of the NFA, endangering them with up to ten years in prison. And lastly, we talk about D.U.S.T and how making stupid people famous needs to stop.
Make sure to tune in live for the next episode on 1-19-22 at 8:30 CST (and every other Wednesday night) on the the LSLF Website , Facebook page, and Youtube, join in on the conversation, and have cold brew or two with us!
Help support the show and get some great perks on our SubscribeStar!
8:10 ATF declares some solvent traps as suppressors
15:38 Smith and Wesson CSX micro compact
36.50 30 Super Carry from Federal
1.04.30 Making stupid people famous

Monday Jan 10, 2022
Monday Jan 10, 2022
Welcome to Episode 73! We talk about the unfortunate passing of Betty White this week(15:32) while we sip on a brand new Whiskey of the Week(4:00). This leads into a conversation about how much has changed in the past 99 years of her life, and how much it will in the next 99. Then we dive into the question of whether or not the "Great Reset" is coming and what it will look like in small town Iowa if it does(29:00). Box has a rant about how people are laughably ignorant when it comes to how nature works(48:00), which ties in nicely with the theme of stupid people, as we discuss the IRS asking criminals to pay taxes on their stolen goods(58:00). And lastly, have our Weird News Segment(1:17:20), which never disappoints.

Monday Jan 03, 2022
Monday Jan 03, 2022
Welcome to another episode of Gears 'n Beers, streamed live on the LSLF Website , Facebook page, and Youtube every other Wednesday night at 8:30 CST.
Tonight we talk about Governor's Newson's new plan to restrict the 2nd Amendment in California (7:58), the Springfield LevAR(15:23), the Savage Arms Stance pistol (23:02), the Federal Connection ammo subscription service (36:38), the Question of the Week (45:40), and Box walks back some of his previous statements condemning products, which leads into a great conversation about becoming a better man(53:04).
Make sure to tune in live for the next one on 1-5-22 on our website, Facebook or Youtube, join in on the conversation, and have cold brew or two with us!
Help support the show and get some great perks on our SubscribeStar

The Life's Short Live Free Podcast
Just a couple of Freedom loving guys talking about everything related to Freedom. Guns, gears, 2nd amendment issues, self improvement and whatever else tickles our Freedom bone. The LSLF Podcast is published every other Monday with our live segment, Gears n Beers, lived streamed every other Wednesday on our website, app, Youtube, Facebook, and Twitch. Get involved, join the discord (linked below) and join in on the Freedom party!