
Monday Jul 12, 2021
Monday Jul 12, 2021
Welcome to the 60th episode of the LSLF podcast! Today we celebrate our Independence Day by talking about some interesting, lesser known facts of the Revolutionary War(30:44), Facebook warns its conservative users they or their friends and family may be "extremists"(38:30), Facebook deletes one of the largest pages out there, which somehow leads into a conversation about whether Hillary Clinton killed George Orwell(55:25), the LSLF game Independence Day Version(1.12:50), Japans warns us that Russia and China may be planning a Pearl Harbor style attack(2.01:45), and our weird news segment(2.11:23)

Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
Welcome to another episode of Gears 'n Beers, done live on the LSLF Facebook every other Wednesday night at 8:30 CST.
Tonight we talk about being your own first responder(5:30), Biden encourages American's to turn in your fellow countrymen who you 'think' may be "extremists"(13:13), we take some listener questions(32:15), how Schiwerks, Life's Short Live Free and Ballistic Imagery were founded(34:25), our Don't Carry that Shit Segment(42:10), and of course our Cool Gear Under $50, we have the Streamlight Stylus Pro and the Shield Arms S15 magazines(55:10).
Make sure to tune in live for the next one on 7-7-21 on our Facebook, join in on the conversation, and have a cold brew or two with us!

Monday Jun 28, 2021
Monday Jun 28, 2021
Welcome to Episode 59 of the Life's Short Live Free Podcast! Today we talk about the McCloskey's case, the couple in St Louis that defended their property from BLM, finally being settled(14:55), David Chipman's nomination being voted on and the ATF nonsense going on(24:45), companies refusing to do business with gun companies(29:55), good times create weak men and the hard times that shaped us(35:50), the LSLF games(57:00), the bill introduced in Congress to abolish the ATF(1.05:45), and our Weird News segment talks about a man swallowed by a humpback whale(1.10:15).

Monday Jun 21, 2021
Monday Jun 21, 2021
Welcome to another episode of Gears 'n Beers, done live on the LSLF Facebook every other Wednesday night at 8:30 CST. In this episode, we talk about the overturning of the California assault weapons ban(5:50), the FP45 Liberator from WWII(21:55), the ATF reclassifying pistol braces again(33:25), the KeyBar is our Cool Gear Under $50(52:31), and of course our Don't Carry That Shit Segment(1.00:50).
Make sure to tune in live for the next one on 6-23-21 on our Facebook, join in on the conversation, and have a cold brew or two with us!

Monday Jun 14, 2021
Ep 58: The Killdozer, D-Day, and LGBT in the Gun Community
Monday Jun 14, 2021
Monday Jun 14, 2021
Welcome to episode 58 of the Life's Short Live Free Podcast, the best damn podcast about Freedom out there! In this episode we talk about D-day and the greatest generation(17:35), the famous, or infamous, whichever way you wanna look at it, "Killdozer" and the events leading up to it(24:24), have our LSLF games and Box has to buy land in Scotland(35:04), Fauci's emails and the the fraud is exposed(47:33), and we talk about minorities and LGBT in the gun community (1.02:20).

Monday Jun 07, 2021
Monday Jun 07, 2021
Welcome to another episode of Gears 'n Beers, done live on the LSLF Facebook every other Wednesday night at 8:30 CST. In this episode, we have Ethan from Gunpup.com and Crossroads Shooting Sports on as our guest(4:50), talk about the Taurus GX4(32:10), posturing online and a firearm is a last resort(48:57), our new segment Cool Gear Under $50(57:20), (use coupon code LSLF10 on neomag.com for 10% off), and our Don't Carry that Shit segment(1.03:00).
Make sure to tune in live for the next one on 6-9-21 on our Facebook, join in on the conversation, and have a cold brew or two with us!

Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Welcome to episode 57 of the Life's Short Live Free Podcast. This episode we talk about the ridiculousness or taxes(17:00), the ATF is completely redefining what a firearm, frame and receiver are and what that could mean(28:10), the cryptocurrency market crashes but what's really happening (33:45), a manned mission to Mars to take place by 2050 (38:15), the LSLF Podcast games (1.00:06), and an interesting but predictable study showing the effectiveness of different calibers. (1.20:00).

Monday May 24, 2021
Monday May 24, 2021
Welcome to another episode of Gears 'n Beers, done live on the LSLF Facebook every other Wednesday night at 8:30 CST. In this episode, we talk about the Supreme Court taking up the first 2nd amendment case in ten years(9:25), it looks like Glock is finally coming out with a carbine(28:14), low bore axis firearms(46:43), our Don't Carry that Shit Segment( (58:58), and a Youtubers moronic outlook on the Kentucky Ballistics 50 cal rifle explosion(1.08:30).
Make sure to tune in live for the next one on 5-26-21 on our Facebook, join in on the conversation, and have a cold brew or two with us!

The Life's Short Live Free Podcast
Just a couple of Freedom loving guys talking about everything related to Freedom. Guns, gears, 2nd amendment issues, self improvement and whatever else tickles our Freedom bone. The LSLF Podcast is published every other Monday with our live segment, Gears n Beers, lived streamed every other Wednesday on our website, app, Youtube, Facebook, and Twitch. Get involved, join the discord (linked below) and join in on the Freedom party!